Healthcare Career Trends in 2022
Healthcare careers require continuous improvement and education. As healthcare
professionals, we never stop learning and trying our best for the patients who trust us with their
care. In recent decades, medical advancements have come so far and more exciting treatments
are on the way. Looking toward 2022, we see new technology trends creating exciting career
Transformed by Digital Technologies
During the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers adapted and many learned how to help
their patients virtually. According to a consumer survey by Accenture in 2020, 62% of healthcare
consumers now prefer virtual healthcare options. This trend allows patients to more easily
recover at home and spend less time in, and traveling to, the doctor's office.
Now more than ever, people are committed to staying healthy and managing their own health.
Easy-to-wear digital devices provide accurate, real time information that can contribute to
healthy lifestyles. Spotting trends and collecting data from the comfort of your home or without
interruptions to your daily routine, these digital devices make patients and their healthcare
team collaborators in treatment plans.
Allied teaches the latest technologies in healthcare. Allied graduates confidently utilize
multi-million dollar machinery in the workplace thanks to the training they received in school.
Receive real world experience that leads right to a successful career in modern healthcare
facilities when you train with Allied!